::: 手機版選單
Identification No. or Serial No.
Chemical name in English
Chemical name in Chinese
驗證碼圖片,點擊右側喇叭圖片可播放語音驗證碼 點擊播放語音驗證碼


Search Field


本網站系統可於網路上查閱公告之化學物質清單(沒有化學物質危害資訊及廠商資料)。使用者可依據「化學文摘社登記號碼(CAS No.)」、「流水編號」與完整的「中文化學名」與「英文化學名」進行公告清單物質查詢。


  1. 化學文摘社登記號碼(CAS No.)
    標準號碼格式為XXXX-XX-X,使用者應該以此號碼作為查詢主要的依據。建議使用者應該以搜尋化學文摘社登記號碼(CAS No.)的方式作為第一優先選項,避免因為物質的中英文同義名稱相異,導致無法獲得預期的查詢結果。
  2. 化學物質中文名稱或英文名稱
    本系統亦提供使用中英文名稱或同義名稱查詢,然而化學物質可能有太多種同義名稱,如果您找尋某個名稱無法獲得結果,建議試著用其它的名稱再試一次。您若想要獲得最精確的搜尋結果,建議仍應該以化學文摘社登記號碼(CAS No.)為搜尋方式的優先選項。如果您手邊資料是化學物質的一些俗名、商標名或產品名,即使這些物質已收錄於國家清單您也將無法搜尋到。




  1. 快速查詢
    你可以一次輸入一個「化學文摘社登記號碼(CAS No.)」或「流水編號」進行國家既有化學物質清單初稿收錄情形查閱,相關物質是否收錄會有進一步的顯示。
  2. 多筆查詢
    您可以一次搜尋五個化學物質,以「化學文摘社登記號碼(CAS No.)」或「流水編號」與正確的「中文化學名」與「英文化學名」進行查閱。
    一項物質可同時輸入三項資訊,包括:(1) CAS No.或流水編號;(2) 英文名稱;(3) 中文名稱。
  3. 進階查詢
    您可以輸入化學物質名稱之開始文字兩項包含的文字來進行模糊查詢。如果您找尋某個名稱無法獲得結果,建議仍應該以化學文摘社登記號碼(CAS No.)或流水編號為搜尋方式的優先選項


查詢時,系統辨識優先順序:CAS No.或流水編號 > 英文名稱 > 中文名稱

Chemical Substance Inventory Information System

Users are able to search the substances using search fields including CAS No., serial number, or exact chemical names in Chinese or English. Instructions of how to search in the system by each search field are listed below:

  1. CAS No.
    The general format of CAS No. is as XXXX-XX-X. We recommend that you use CAS No. as top priority keyword to avoid searching difficulty which might be caused by using different chemical name (synonyms) in Chinese or English.
  2. Chemical name in Chinese or English
    The second prior keyword is by chemical name in Chinese or English. If the system fails to generate results using one name, it is recommended to use another name (e.g. synonym) to try again. However, the draft inventory on the website might not cover all chemical names for one substance. Therefore, using CAS No. to search is suggested to be the priority option. Please note if you only have common name, trade name, or product name of a chemical substance, it is possible that you might NOT find this chemical even if the substance itself is listed in the draft inventory.

There are several useful Internet sites to find CAS No. or chemical names. It is suggested to use these public websites or search engines to ensure you get the best searching results.


Inventory Search

This website provides both Quick Search and Advanced Search.

  1.  Quick Search
    Enter one CAS No. or serial number as keyword at a time to search for the chemical substance. The result will show if is listed in the draft inventory.
  2. Advanced Search
    Users can enter up to five chemicals at a time, using CAS No. or serial number, or correct Chinese chemical names and English chemical names as keyword(s).

The following three keywords can be used :

  1. CAS No. or serial number
  2. English substance name
  3. Chinese substance name

However, any one of the previously mentioned three keywords can be used for searching. If more than 2 types of keywords are provided, the system will only show the search results according to the priority order of sequence.

The priority order of sequence for identification when conducting search is: CAS No. or serial number > English chemical name > Chinese chemical name.